Hydrophobic Ceramic Coating With Visible UV Activated Tracer
Applying a ceramic coating can be an intricate process. Making the application process of a hydrophobic ceramic coating is something Adam's Polishes has been chasing for some time now. Luckily Adam's found a unique way to help the application process. Adam's Polishes added a UV activated tracer that allows the person applying the ceramic coating to see exactly where they are putting it or to spot check after a full ceramic coating has been applied. This added feature within the Ceramic Paint Coating gives the person applying the ceramic coating a second set of eyes to see exactly where the coating is being placed. This is a very unique experience when applying a ceramic coating. The UV tracer is only visible when illuminated by a UV light source or black light. So when the car is in daylight or normal indoor lighting the UV tracer is not active. In this video, Adam's Polishes takes you through the application process of the UV Ceramic Paint Coating. For any questions regarding Adam's Polishes UV Ceramic Paint Coating please contact us at: tips@adamspolishes.com or 866-965-0400 For more in depth content and education, subscribe to our channel. Leave a comment or question to engage with one of our Adam's Team Members. •••Become a subscriber to Adam's Polishes Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzpvSWz3VFZpeFeitVsybWg?sub_confirmation=1 •••Adam's Polishes Website http://www.adamspolishes.com •••Adam's Polishes Instagram https://www.instagram.com/adamspolishes/ •••Adam's Polishes Facebook https://www.facebook.com/adamspolishes •••Adam's Polishes Youtube Channel Homepage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzpvSWz3VFZpeFeitVsybWg?sub_confirmation=1