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What if we replace Water by Soft drinks? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children

3,745 Views· 01/09/24
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Buy AumSum Merchandise: http://bit.ly/3srNDiG Website: https://www.aumsum.com If we replace our 8 daily glasses of water with 8 soft drinks, then we would be in a big trouble. In a real-life incident, a woman drank soda instead of water for 16 years. She was hospitalized. She had irregular heartbeats & very low potassium levels. Artificial sweeteners in soft drinks can have laxative effects. Over-consumption of same can cause diarrhea. Many soft drinks contain caffeine. Over-consumption of caffeine can lead to loss of potassium via urine. Flow of potassium regulates our heartbeat. Low potassium levels may lead to heart palpitations or irregular heartbeats. Over-consumption of caffeine can also lead to insomnia. We might start staring more at stars instead of sleeping. Also, soft drinks are usually sugary drinks. Hence, this will also lead to weight gain or diabetes.

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