It's AumSum Time
It's AumSum Time

It's AumSum Time



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It's AumSum Time
3,712 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: What if YouTube Disappeared? Firstly, many people spend hours watching YouTube, if YouTube disappeared, they may actually do some productive work. Secondly, many people prepare new dishes by watching cooking videos online, if YouTube disappeared, we may have to eat the same dish everyday. Thirdly, many people workout by watching videos online, if YouTube disappeared, they may start gaining weight. Fourthly, people love to watch AumSum videos, if YouTube disappeared, everything else might seem boring. Lastly, many influencers have become famous because of YouTube, if YouTube disappeared, they may have to find a new profession.

It's AumSum Time
3,791 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: What if Godzilla Disappeared? Firstly, Godzilla s movies are extremely popular, if Godzilla disappeared, many movie theaters might shut down. Secondly, if Godzilla disappeared, Godzilla s arch-rival King Kong would be extremely happy. Thirdly, if Godzilla disappeared, Hollywood directors would find it extremely difficult to find a replacement for Godzilla. Fourthly, if Godzilla disappeared, people may try to replace Godzilla with other characters in order to become famous. Lastly, Godzilla was created in Japan, if Godzilla disappeared, many Japanese fans may go on strike. Timecodes 0:00 - What if Godzilla Disappeared? 1:03 - What if all Snakes Disappeared? 2:14 - What If Dinosaurs never went Extinct? 3:17 - What exactly Killed the Dinosaurs? 4:49 - Why do snakes shed their skin? 5:53 -Why do snakes have forked tongue? 6:52 - Why do animals eyes glow in the dark? 7:52 - Can animals predict natural disasters? 8:56 - How do Animals Hibernate?

It's AumSum Time
2,483 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: What if Taxes Disappeared? Firstly, if Taxes disappeared, everyday items would get very cheap, common man would be extremely happy. Secondly, if Taxes disappeared, infrastructure in our cities would start to crumble. Thirdly, if Taxes disappeared, Government Coffers would get empty very soon. Fourthly, if Taxes disappeared, Tax Officials would have to look for a new job. Lastly, if Taxes disappeared, people who pay huge amount of taxes every year would be one happy lot. Timecodes 0:00 - What if Taxes Disappeared? 1:00 - Why is ambulance written in reverse? 1:56 - Why don t Birds get Electrocuted on Power Cables? 3:08 - What causes Heartburn? 4:32 - Why doesn t it go Dark when we Blink? 5:38 - Do Plants get Cancer? 6:45 - What do Dogs see when they watch TV? 7:52 - Why does Sugar Hurt our Teeth? 9:12 - Why are Flies so Hard to Swat?

It's AumSum Time
4,559 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: How do Earthworms Move? They never move!! They just sit in one place!! Oh AumSum!! In order to move forward an Earthworm first extends the front part of its body using its muscles. Once its front body is extended, tiny hair-like structures called setae come out of its front part and insert themselves into the soil. Now these inserted setae act as an anchor for the earthworm to pull its rear part forward. Once the rear part of the body has moved forward, the earthworm retracts the setae extended from its front part and inserts the setae from its rear part into the soil. Now these inserted setae act as an anchor for the earthworm to again pull its front part forward. The earthworm keeps on repeating this cycle in order to move forward. Reference: Timecodes 0:00 - How do Earthworms Move? 1:08 - Why do Elephants Never Forget? 2:12 - Why do elephants have big ears? 3:05 - Why are Tigers Orange in Color? 4:02 - How does a Snake move? 5:05 - Why do snakes have forked tongue? 6:05 - Why do snakes shed their skin? 7:09 - Why do cats have vertical pupils? 8:15 - Why do cats purr? 9:13 - Why do dogs lick their wounds?

It's AumSum Time
1,053 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: What if we Never Cut our Hair? Firstly, if we Never Cut our Hair, even husbands and wives may not recognize each other anymore. Secondly, if we Never Cut our Hair, bald people may come to office on time, others may always get late. Thirdly, if we Never Cut our Hair, even Aliens may stop cutting their hair. Fourthly, if we Never Cut our Hair, shampoo sellers may start earning a lot of money. Fifthly, if we Never Cut our Hair, people may start putting their long hair to innovative use. Lastly, if we Never Cut our Hair, some people may need multiple hair stylists to take care of their hair. Timecodes 0:00 - What if we Never Cut our Hair? 1:12 - What if our Hair was made of Wood? 2:23 - Why don t we feel pain when we cut our hair?

It's AumSum Time
992 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: Split ends or trichoptilosis is a type of hair damage in which our hair strand or hair shaft splits into two or more branches. It mostly occurs at the end of the shaft, however, you can have split ends anywhere along the entire shaft. Now, our hair consists of 3 concentric layers. The outermost tough layer is called cuticle. The middle layer is called cortex and the innermost layer is called medulla. Split ends occur when the cuticle gets ripped off or damaged. Now, as there is no longer any tough structure to hold the hair together, cracks begin to develop in the inner layers, thus giving rise to split ends. There are many factors that can cause split ends. For example, excessive sun exposure, improper brushing or detangling, excessive blow drying, coloring, etc.

It's AumSum Time
1,509 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: Sugar stimulates the release of feel-good chemicals like dopamine. So, sudden cutting down of sugar can cause sugar withdrawal, thus leading to anxiety, mood swings, etc. However, the most obvious benefits of avoiding sugar would be weight loss, improved oral health and reduced risk of diabetes. Secondly, sugar also triggers the process of glycation in which harmful compounds called AGEs are released. These AGEs attach to collagen and elastin in our skin, causing wrinkles. So, avoiding sugar may reduce wrinkling. Thirdly, studies have shown that excess sugar causes inflammation which gives rise to acne. So, giving up on sugary foods may prevent acne. Fourthly, avoiding sugar can also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. Do you know how? A chemical called BDNF forms new connections and new memories. According to research, excess sugar is linked to drop in the BDNF level, thus causing Alzheimer’s.

It's AumSum Time
3,745 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: If we replace our 8 daily glasses of water with 8 soft drinks, then we would be in a big trouble. In a real-life incident, a woman drank soda instead of water for 16 years. She was hospitalized. She had irregular heartbeats & very low potassium levels. Artificial sweeteners in soft drinks can have laxative effects. Over-consumption of same can cause diarrhea. Many soft drinks contain caffeine. Over-consumption of caffeine can lead to loss of potassium via urine. Flow of potassium regulates our heartbeat. Low potassium levels may lead to heart palpitations or irregular heartbeats. Over-consumption of caffeine can also lead to insomnia. We might start staring more at stars instead of sleeping. Also, soft drinks are usually sugary drinks. Hence, this will also lead to weight gain or diabetes.

It's AumSum Time
1,178 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: What if Clocks & Watches Disappeared? Firstly, if clocks & watches disappeared, people may revert back to the good old days of predicting time based on Sun s position. Secondly, if clocks & watches disappeared, meetings & functions may not start on time, there will be chaos everywhere. Thirdly, some people like to meticulously plan as well as follow their daily schedule, if clocks & watches disappeared, they will be mightily disappointed. Fourthly, millions of people are employed in the designing, manufacturing as well as sale of clocks & watches, if clocks & watches disappeared, lots of jobs will be lost. Lastly, if clocks & watches disappeared, latecomers will be the happiest of the lot. On the flip side, some people are under constant stress of completing their work before deadline, if clocks & watches disappeared, they may heave a sigh of relief.

It's AumSum Time
2,907 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: What if Germany Disappeared? Firstly, Germany is the biggest exporter of cars in the world, if Germany disappeared, popularity of bicycles may skyrocket. Secondly, there are more than 25,000 castles in Germany, if Germany disappeared, selfie lovers will be one sad lot. Thirdly, Germany is also known as the bread capital of the world, if Germany disappeared, bread lovers will be severely disappointed. Fourthly, college education in Germany is free, if Germany disappeared, it will definitely be a dark day for education. Fifthly, if Germany disappeared, visiting "The Berlin Wall" will remain an unfulfilled dream for many. Lastly, Germany is the biggest economy in Europe, if Germany disappeared, Europe may face a severe economic recession. References:

It's AumSum Time
4,392 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: What if we Roared like a Lion? Firstly, Lions are very proud of their Roar, if we Roared like a Lion, Lions may go on a Hunger Strike. Secondly, many people are afraid of a Lions Roar, if we Roared like a Lion, that will not be the case anymore. Thirdly, Lions are popular in zoos because of their magnificent Roar, if we Roared like a Lion, they will not remain that popular anymore. Fourthly, if we Roared like a Lion, Lion may have no option but to share his crown with us. Fifthly, Lions try to impress a Lioness with their magnificent Roar, if we Roared like a Lion, Lions will have some serious competition. Lastly, if we Roared like a Lion, people will not be afraid of Dogs anymore, Dogs may start taking Roaring lessons. Timecodes 0:00 - What if we Roared like a Lion? 1:19 - What if Lions start Flying? 2:25 - What if Lions become Chefs?

It's AumSum Time
3,780 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. But everyday, we lose some of this water through sweat, urine, etc. So, we need to replenish it. Now, there is a popular 8 by 8 rule which says, everyday one should drink 8 glasses, each containing 8 ounces of water. Whereas, the Institute of Medicine suggests that the total water intake including all beverages and food should be 2.7 liters for women and 3.7 liters for men. However, no single formula fits everyone. But our amazing body itself tells us when we need water. For example, dark-yellow urine is usually a very good sign of dehydration. Exercise, climate and conditions like diarrhea, vomiting, etc. can lead to additional water loss. So, our body makes us feel more thirsty. This brings us to the conclusion that the water needs vary from person to person and situation to situation.

It's AumSum Time
2,517 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: Earth would have rings if a celestial body like moon or comet gets too close to it and exceeds the Roche limit. It will get ripped apart into pieces, thus forming its rings. First of all, Earth would look spectacular. Secondly, selfies might be called Ringies as people will start taking selfies with rings as a backdrop. Thirdly, nights would be much brighter than they are now. This is because the rings would be much closer than the moon and also much more spread apart, thus reflecting much more light. Fourthly, weather patterns or atmospheric composition might change depending upon what the rings are made up of. Saturn s rings are made of billions of particles of ice, rocks and dust. Lastly, they would surely top the world s best tourist destination list.

It's AumSum Time
2,524 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: How does an Airplane Fly? Simply stated, there are four forces which are acting on an airplane. Lift: This force is generated because of the forward motion of the airplane through air. Drag: This force is generated because of the resistance of the air to the forward motion of the airplane. Weight: This force is generated because of the pull of gravity towards the center of the Earth. and finally Thrust: This force is generated by the engines of the airplane. Now, when the force of Thrust produced by the engines is greater than the force of Drag produced due to air resistance, the airplane moves forward. Also, when the force of Lift produced due to forward motion is greater than the force of weight produced due to gravity, the airplane moves upward. In simple terms this is how an airplane flies. Reference: Timecodes 0:00 - How does an Airplane Fly? 1:16 - What happens if a plane is struck by lightning? 2:13 - Why can t you use phones on planes? 3:09 - Why are cloudy nights warmer than clear nights? 4:22 - Why is it not good to sleep under a tree at night? 6:15 - Why do we use a black umbrella in summer? 7:19 - Why do we see lightning before thunder? 8:31 - Why is the upper surface of a leaf more green and shiny?

It's AumSum Time
2,241 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: What if Everyone becomes a Clown? Firstly, if Everyone becomes a Clown, children would be very happy, they will never get bored. Secondly, if Everyone becomes a Clown, people may start laughing all day long, their cheeks might start to hurt. Thirdly, if Everyone becomes a Clown, our streets may start looking very colorful, new tricks will be happening everywhere. Fourthly, if Everyone becomes a Clown, making people laugh is not easy, some people may start quitting. Fifthly, a Clown has to work very hard to learn new tricks, if Everyone becomes a Clown, some people may start giving up. Lastly, if Everyone becomes a Clown, people may start auditioning for a Clown s job in a circus, competition will be very tough. Timecodes 0:00 - What if Everyone becomes a Clown? 1:12 - What if our Hair was made of Gold? 2:09 - What if Mustaches Disappeared?

It's AumSum Time
3,874 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: The most obvious effect of 2 moons would be that our nights would be much much brighter. That would certainly be bad news for stargazers and astronomers. Also, as you all know that tides on earth are a result of the moon. So, 2 moons would either amplify this effect or cancel out each other. If they were to amplify then we could have huge tides, effectively making living near shorelines almost impossible. But it will definitely be good news for all the surfers. Finally, as the number of moons increases, so will the number of solar eclipses. Also, hypothetically, if they were to ever collide with each other, then the amount of debris coming out of such collision would make living on earth almost impossible.

It's AumSum Time
4,473 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: There are various reasons behind this. Firstly, improper sleeping position. When we sleep on our stomach or on our side, gravity tends to pull the saliva out of our mouth. Now, when we are unconscious in sleep, our body helps us swallow the saliva. However, if it fails to do so, the saliva leaks out, thus causing drooling. Secondly, during certain allergies, excess saliva is produced. Now, this does not prove to be a problem during the day because we consciously swallow the saliva. However, when we are unconscious in sleep, if our body fails to swallow the excess saliva, it leads to drooling. Lastly, when our nose is blocked due to cold or flu, we open our mouth to breathe. Now, in such situations, if we sleep on our stomach or on our side, the saliva easily makes its way out of our mouth, thus causing drooling.

It's AumSum Time
2,578 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: Why do our Eyes Twitch? Eye twitching is also referred to as eyelid twitching or myokymia. Myokymia is a repetitive, spontaneous, involuntary spasm or quivering of our eyelid muscles. These eye twitches are generally mild and last for a very short length of time. But in some cases they may be strong enough to force closing of both the eyelids and in some cases they might last for a longer period of time. Eye twitches are considered to be unpredictable i.e. they do not follow any specific pattern of occurrence. Some of the common causes of eye twitching are: Eye irritation Fatigue Lack of Sleep Too much Alcohol, Caffeine or Tobacco. Allergies etc. Eyelid twitches are generally considered to be harmless but may require a doctor visit in some extreme cases. References:

It's AumSum Time
1,208 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: What if Borders Disappeared? Firstly, if borders disappeared, there will be no countries anymore, entire world will become one. Every human will deserve a Noble prize if this happens. Secondly, if borders disappeared, no more visas, no more customs, no more security checks, traveling from one place to another would become extremely easy. Tourism industry would get a huge boost. Thirdly, huge amount of money is spent on protecting our borders, if borders disappeared, the same could be used for more useful purposes. Fourthly, if borders disappeared, trade may get a boost, more jobs might be created, world economy might soar high. Fifthly, if borders disappeared, the huge economic as well as social inequality in the world might come down. On the flip side, if borders disappeared, some antisocial elements might take advantage of this situation.

It's AumSum Time
858 Views · 6 months ago

Buy AumSum Merchandise: What if Sun started Snoring? Firstly, if Sun started Snoring, other planets may not be able to sleep, they may start packing their bags. Secondly, if Sun started Snoring, Sun may Snore very loudly, planets may get startled. Thirdly, if Sun started Snoring, Sun s Snoring may be heard over far-off distances, aliens might come over. Fourthly, if Sun started Snoring, Sun may sleep for a long long time, it may wake-up all alone in the Solar System. Fifthly, Sun is generally considered to be hot-tempered, if Sun started Snoring, planets may get extremely scared while waking him up. Lastly, if Sun started Snoring, planets might shift Sun to a far-off place, they might finally be able to sleep peacefully. Timecodes 0:00 - What if Sun started Snoring? 1:28 - What if Earth and Sun Collided? 2:43 - What if the Sun went Missing?

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