Introduction to Hume: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
An introduction to the thought of David Hume through An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. The text is a more accessible interpretation of his earlier work, a Treatise of Human Nature (volume one). Hume was the third of the British Empiricists, taking the thought of Locke and Berkley to its limits and attempting a scientific theory of mind. He was both a naturalist and a skeptic, laying out what has become known as the problem of induction. He also woke Kant from his ‘dogmatic slumber . Then & Now is FAN-FUNDED! Support me on Patreon and pledge as little as $1 per video: Or send me a one-off tip of any amount and help me make more videos: Buy on Amazon through this link to support the channel: Follow me on: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Music by August Aghast: Soundcloud: Twitter: Credits: Stock footage provided by Videvo, downloaded from Sources: Hume, David, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Ayer, A.J. Hume: A Very Short Introduction Kenny, Anthony, The Rise of Modern Philosophy Bertrand Russell, History of Western Philosophy