Would D-Day have Failed without the Airborne? | Animated History
Our Sponsor: Get your monthly subscription of quality razors here! https://www.patronblades.com/ Life on D-Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REZ6i1Tela4 Our Website: https://www.thearmchairhistorian.com/ Our Twitter: @ArmchairHist Our Discord: https://discord.gg/Ppb2cUd Sources: http://www.dday-overlord.com/en/d-day/air-operations The Airborne in World War II - Michael E. Haskew The D-Day Companion: Leading Historians Explore History’s Greatest Amphibious Assault, Jane Penrose (editor) D-Day: Minute by Minute, Jonathan Mayo Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters, Richard (Dick) Winters Easy Company Soldier: The Legendary Battles of a Sergeant from World War II s "Band of Brothers," Donald (Don) Malarkey Music: WIP Thanks to everyone who watched me finish the animation stream! Yahir Tapia Captain von Blee Conrad Mark Adam Szymonik Mark Johnson farquadhoonter Alex Savchuk Jade Disney Comics Nation Elijah Buchmeyer Rita Spagnuolo Westernfrontbricks Finnegan Team Skeet Ezekiel Greenwood WhatWouldYouHaveYourArbiterDoDaniel Ethan T. General in cheif of all Plasic Musket-Wilding Soldiers 1700-1900 King Ludwig BnDOg#4218 Dante Romeo