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DELUSIONS ABOUT LIVING OFF THE LAND!!! | Are You A Starvalist or Starvivor?

4,746 Views· 10/23/23
The Wooded Beardsman
The Wooded Beardsman
1,774 Subscribers

Do you think you can live in the wild while naked and afraid or with just 10 items? Then you just might be a Starvalist or Starvivor. Living off the land indefinitely, even with modern tools, is a very tall order, and something worthy of pursuit, if only to reclaim the knowledge that we ve lost. To live off the land not only requires us to understand our origins, but to also understand the current state of our land. Our land is no longer of great abundance. Long ago, Natives abandoned primitive tools in favour of modern metal traps; because they worked much better than the versions they had been using. In recent time, delusions about living off the land have sparked a new breed of people whom have adopted primitive methods in hopes of producing a living from the land. However, these tools have been repeatedly proven to be insufficient in producing enough food to warrant building them in the first place. This has reduced "survivalists" to nothing more than "stavalists" or of you prefer "starvivors." A starvivor is someone who goes into wild places intending to survive and even thrive, but does not equip themselves with sufficient tools and equipment necessary to provide the nutrition to meet their daily caloric requirements. Instead the starvivor will burn through their fat reserves obtained from modern sources, and then escape back into modern life. This person believes that they are surviving, and even thriving, without putting together basic meals so long as they last 1 week, 1 month, or a couple of months, while losing massive amounts of body weight throughout the ordeal. While they are applauded for their efforts, working silently in the background is our innate ability to cannibalize our own body for energy. The starvalist is busy, he makes shelters, builds tools, even catches a few fish, a bird, snake or mouse or a squirrel. But is this enough to make a living? Is it enough to nourish an active body? A starvalist or starvivor believes that using modern gear such as guns, fishing rods, lures, metal animal traps including body grips and snares made with metal cable wire, modern cordage, tents, sleeping bags, lighters, and so forth, are not necessary in order to thrive in nature. But what is being accomplished in this primitive endeavours? Nothing, anyone can fast, it takes no particular skills, we re all born to waste away without food. A starvivor will often go barefoot and naked into nature. They may bring a knife and a ferro rod, picture wire for snares, paracord for trap building, and some fishing line and hooks or even a safety pin, but overall, they will prefer to rely on primitive tools and techniques such as friction fire, gorge hooks, primitive cordage, various primitive dead fall traps and trigger or tension traps, and fish funnel traps or baskets, even though they are insufficient to return what they cost to build and operate. A starvivor will insist that their techniques work, given a very narrow set of ideal conditions of course, and do not burn more than they cost to build. However, this assertion has never been proven, and no survivalist has demonstrated that their primitive traps are effective enough to consistently and effectively feed a person. More to this, people believe that obtaining food from the land is a given, that since our ancestors did it, we too can do it, but this isn t so. With every survival experiment conducted thus far, people have returned lighter and less healthy than when they began. Our world is of less natural abundance than ever before and our knowledge about wild food stuff is at an all time historic low. Use code "WoodBeard" to get 10% off ASAT Camo: www.asatcamo.com Merch (t-shirts): https://teespring.com/stores/the-wooded-beardsman

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