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Inside Stoke the Fire: British Columbia

19,760 Views· 05/25/24
Teton Gravity Research
Teton Gravity Research
2,132 Subscribers

What happens behind the scenes when some of the hardest charging backcountry riders get together on an insanely deep couple of days sled skiing in BC before bumping up to Mica Heli for some bluebird runs in the alpine? Turns out it can be a serious challenge for filmers out there capturing the action. Ian Mcintosh, Christina Lustenberger, Dane Tudor, Sammy C, and Nick Mcnutt definitely make it look easy on camera, but long days in some of the deepest snow they’ve seen isn’t just all blissful powder skiing. There’s a whole lot of work that goes on to make those few minutes of stoke come to life on screen. Thanks to our producers and filmers in the field for making it happen! Find a Stoke the Fire tour stop near you: https://www.tetongravity.com/tours

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