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Adam s Polishes Winter Washing | Cold Weather Detailing

94,797 Views· 05/30/24
Adam's Polishes
Adam's Polishes
412 Subscribers
In Car

Adam's Polishes Winter Washing | Cold Weather Detailing http://adamspolishes.com/ For those of us who deal with harsh/nasty winter weather or occasionally get a nasty rain storm, we know how dirty our cars can get while driving through the wet, mud covered roads. No need to panic! This Winter Washing video is a tool to help assist in how to clean a vehicle after it has been exposed to harsh weather elements. In this video you'll see how to properly clean the wheels, wash the exterior, and dry and protect all in one. The video is designed to show how fast and easy it is to detail a vehicle during cold winter months but also to showcase how to remove a ton of dirt and grime safely. As stated in the video, it is always recommended to properly prepare your car before heading into the months that offer harsh weather conditions. This allows for cleaning the vehicle in the winter/harsh weather a breeze (no pun intended). Winter Preparation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYfJgxN8nJE Even though Adam's Polishes is located in Colorado which offers all of the seasons, cleaning a washing cars is constantly happening year round. These are the methods we use on a daily basis and hope that it can help by being implemented into your winter wash regimen. Thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe.

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