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New Pond Fish! (Top Secret Access)

3,730 Views· 10/19/23
The Wooded Beardsman
The Wooded Beardsman
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We visit Lyndon Trout Hatchery to learn about what we need to properly raise trout in our NEW FARM POND. Lyndon offers both fish stock for ponds of any sort as well as stocked pond fishing, fly fishing, and fishing of any sort for kids to adults. You can book corporate events, or a day with the kids. Lyndon will show you how to clean the fish and even rent you a rod and real. Just show up and fish! www.lyndonfishhatcheries.com. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lyndonfishingpond/ A backyard pond can be something simple, but raising trout in a pond is something all together more complicated. Water quality is high priority. High oxygen is required, fish feed, or highly productive waters, cool water. We will talk to Clarke Rieck, President of Lyndon Fish Hatchery about what our fish will need. Mark s Video: https://youtu.be/JlKw_9BLTPA We will take a tour of the hatchery to check out the full life cycle of the fish from egg sac, inch long fish, right up to stockable fish at 6", then at 9", and finally to fully grown, ready-to-eat fish for 2.5 pounds. Later we see the breeder fish that have reached 4-10 pounds in size. We talk to Lyndon Fish Hatchery about whether our trout pond will have what it takes to successfully raise trout so that we can eat them. If everything goes well, we will plan to dig a fish pond! Over this series we will talk about all the requirements that trout need to be in a pond such as dissolved oxygen, water temperature, water depth, fish food and nutrition, water flow, pond substrate, water quality, fish predators. As we get going on our trout pond, we will talk about trout pond design and how to dig a trout pond. Lyndon Fish Pond 2019 Season Hours of operation: 9 am to 6 pm Open Weekends and Holidays: April 27th - June 23 Open Seven Days a Week: June 24th to September 2nd Open Weekends and Holidays: September 2nd - October 14th 1745 Huron Rd New Dundee, Ontario Call (519) 696-3474 pond@lyndonfishhatcheries.com About Find your next adventure at Lyndon Fishing Pond! Our pristine pond is stocked with delicious, healthy rainbow trout raised on site. Take home your catch, cleaned & ready for the BBQ! No fishing license required. 2019 Season Hours of operation: 9 am to 6 pm Opening Weekend April 27th and 28th Open Weekends and Holidays: April 27th - June 23 & September 2nd - October 14th Open Seven Days a Week: June 24th to September 2nd To build a dream trout pond you need to think about what you have first. Building a trout pond is not easy and you aren t going to get everything you want, so start off with the basics. You will need to find out what kind of soil you are working with. Is it clay, clay-loam and sandy loam are best for holding water. You will want to avoid limestone, shale, sand and gravel—they leak. Except in our case since the gravel is actually part of the ground water, which is ideal. You can ask around to find out if your pond will leak or will hold water year round. You don t want your pond to dry up in the middle of the summer. Chances are good, that if other ponds are successful nearby, so will yours. You will be best to check things out mid-summer to make sure that the water doesn t get too hot, or too dry. Dig some test holes with an excavator and check water levels in spring, summer and fall as well as water quality and pH. A deep pond is better. A 15-foot deep pond is better, at one-acre which will prevent the pond freezing solid in the winter. Leave the pond sit for a year is ideal to let the water chemistry to stabilize and allow aquatic insects to establish thriving colonies. #lyndonfishingpond #lyndonfishfriday #TroutPond #StockingTrout MEDIA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_wooded_beardsman/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chris.leclair.35 Merch (t-shirts): https://teespring.com/stores/the-wooded-beardsman Use code "WoodBeard" to get 10% off ASAT Camo: www.asatcamo.com Become part of MY TRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuoSzo6nnDLKOiZ_rXHE6Gw/join Browning Trail Cameras: https://browningtrailcameras.com/

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