Testing the Alec Steele Auger in the Woods! Bushcraft Project
I head to the woods to test out the hand auger that blacksmith youtuber Alec Steele forged for me in his UK workshop! Join me at the bushcraft camp as I use the auger to make some rails for the woodcarving workshop. I also build a carving block using the auger. Of course there s time to get the fire going and cook some great food in a cast iron frying pan over the fire! DONATE TO THE ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY HERE: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/canoe-adventure?utm_source=Sharethis&utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=canoe-adventure&utm_campaign=pfp-email&utm_term=e1032668150944dd834eb94b32fec109 Alec Steele s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/alectheblacksmith The Making of The Auger: https://youtu.be/RLtTjGx0-gg Lads I’m going on the Canoe Trip with: Matt (Adventure is Made): https://youtube.com/c/ADVENTUREISMADE Ant Survive the Night: https://youtube.com/c/SurviveTheNight Simon A Bloke in the Woods: https://youtube.com/c/Simonablokeinthewoods Richard Outdoors: https://youtube.com/c/RichardOutdoors Rick T Outdoor Adventure: https://youtube.com/channel/UCOJ7jQmgXMnLZYF9ADamm3g Simon Eardley: https://youtube.com/c/SIMONEARDLEY Ginger Scarff: https://instagram.com/ginger_scarff?utm_medium=copy_link Matt Toms (Magpie Woodsmith): https://instagram.com/magpiewoods?utm_medium=copy_link MY BUSHCRAFT & SURVIVAL GEAR SHOP: https://www.taoutdoors.com/shop/ My Bushcraft, Survival and Filming Gear (Amazon): https://www.amazon.com/shop/taoutdoors These are amazon affiliate links T-SHIRTS & CLOTHING: https://taofficial.com INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/taoutdoorofficial FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/totallyawesomeoutdoors TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OutdoorsTa #bushcraft #blacksmith #forging #alecsteele #camping