Catch and Cook MINNOWS in Survival Challenge
As part of learning about living off the land during my survival challenge, we picked up the dip-net and went in search of spawning river herring or alewife. These fish run the rivers in the spring to spawn, much like suckers, making them vulnerable to the tenacious dipnet fisher! Check out Zach Fowler: River herring or alewife make for excellent lobster bait, but are they any good to eat? We ll use dip nets and lobster traps in a motor boat to try to balance out our calories. The Wilderness Living Challenge is not a "survival challenge," but more like a test of the modern hunter gatherer to sustain himself on wild foods only. We will weight ourselves at the start of the challenge and weight out at the end. If we lose any weight at all, we lose the challenge! Follow along as we struggle to get wild foods! I am joined by Zach Fowler on his home turf in Maine, USA in the spring. Here, we plan to do Season 5 of The Wilderness Living Challenge. The goal of the challenge is to gain or maintain our body weight eating only the wild food we can collect on site using whatever means necessary. Winning the Wilderness Living Challenge is harder than it seems. Season 5: Maine Spring, takes place in Maine, USA with coastal food priorities including fish, clams, crab, seaweed, groundhog, pigeon, turkey, dandelion, cattail, and whatever else is edible! Nothing is off the menu, if it s edible, we ll eat it. We make use of all the resources in this challenge to meet the demands for calories imposed by the human body! MEDIA Instagram: Facebook: Merch (t-shirts): Become part of MY TRIBE: SPONSORS - Woodobo Spice: - Trail Cameras (Browning): - Flashlights (O-light): [use code "woodbeard" for 10% off] - Slingshots, slingbows (Simpleshot): - Camo (ASAT): [se code "WoodBeard" to get 10% off] CABIN SPONSORS - Norwood Portable Sawmill: - Eastonmade Wood Splitter: - Briggs and Stratton: - Vic West (Roof):