Catch and Cook CATFISH Survival Tactics | The Wilderness Living Challenge 2016 S01E14 - FINAL PUSH
We caught and consumed 17 pike between the both of us. We ate piles of berries, clams, snails and crayfish. Yet, we lost 2 lbs/day and 1.5/ lbs/day respectively. Together, in just 5 days we lost a staggering combined total of 17.5 lbs of body weight I dropped an astonishing 7.4 lbs of body weight going from 136.8 lbs to 129.4 lbs in 5 days. Jeremy lost 9.8 lbs going from 193.8 lbs to 184.0 lbs over the same 5 days. I lost around 1.5 lbs/day and Jeremy lost around 2 lbs/day. Put another way, I lost 5.4% of my total body mass and Jeremy lost almost exactly 5%. As a weight loss challenge, we were both highly successful, but The Wilderness Living Challenge has a polar opposite objective. I went from an estimated body fat percent of about 12-13 to a final body fat of around 9%. That s just 4% from being at a critical level which is 5. So another drop of 6.5 lbs would have put me at a high risk of severe health repercussions. Pushing our trend line forward says that this would have occurred in only about 4 more days. That s an astonishing realization to say the least. It really puts into context the importance of body fat in survival and overall well being. While we consider a low body fat to be healthy or athletic, it puts the body at risk from famine. Inside of a couple of weeks, someone in the athletic range of body fat at around 12-15% would be in dire straights. One could double that estimate for the 25% range. The obvious logical assumption is that a person who is overweight is actually in the best respective shape for enduring famine or a modern "survival challenge" as they have the most energy in reserve. One Wildcrafter (Jeremy): Merch (t-shirts):