Earth in 24 Hours: The Day Begins | A Day In The Life Of Earth | Part 1
If you think the Earth takes millions of years to change, it’s time to think again! In the documentary "A Day in The Lift of Earth" we reveal how much the solid parts of our planet can change in just a single day. Every minute the inner earth creates tonnes of new land, every hour the world’s glaciers move mountains and before you go to sleep a cloud of dust from the Sahara will have flown across the Atlantic and fertilized the Amazon. Every day you’re waking up on a completely different planet. We start with the inner earth – the invisible but hugely dynamic system beneath our feet which constantly rebuilds the planet’s surface. On the island of Stromboli, we climb a volcano with geologist Professor Chris Jackson to see how much lava a single volcano can produce on a daily basis and how it builds new land on earth. Chris also reveals what powers the inner earth – radioactive decay beneath of our feet where heavy elements are constantly decaying into lighter ones – a process that produces the equivalent energy of 27000 Hiroshima bombs every day. Also in Iceland we find out how the entire country is growing as the inner earth forces the continents apart and creates new land in between. The moving of continents causes around 300,000 earthquakes each day. #documentary #sciencedocumentary #earthdocumentary ---- Other channels you might be interested in: criminals and crimefighters: hazards and catastrophes: #documentary #water #earth Further videos on space and science: ┕ A Traveler s Guide to the Planets: The New Horizons Mission | Special Episode ▸ ┕A Way to make Mars habitable again – Terraforming | Special Episode ▸ ---- Interesting links and sources: