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Scientific Ways to Lose Weight While Sleeping

2,296 Views· 12/03/23
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In this video, we’ll talk about 14 proven ways, drawn from scientific studies, to lose weight while sleeping. Turn down your thermostat When you are cold, your body needs to burn more fuel to keep you warm, and that fuel is simply calorie. So the colder the room, the more calories you get rid of. The best way of doing it is to lower the room temperature to 66 degrees while you sleep. And you can also sit outside when the weather is cold. As long as your body is trying to heat itself, you are burning more calories. Avoid reading the news in the morning When you are stressed, your body releases a stress hormone called Cortisol. Cortisol slows down your metabolism, making it difficult to lose weight. According to researchers, women who report-ed having a stressful event within a 24-hour period, burned 104 fewer calories than non-stressed women. This could result in a 12-pound weight gain in one year. Even worse, increased levels of stress hormones make you crave more sugary and fatty foods. Having a dog or cat can also do wonders to reduce your stress levels. Returning home to a dog who is very happy to see you can change your mood in seconds. Drink cold water Another easy way to lose weight in your sleep is to drink plenty of water during the day. Research has shown that drinking about two cups of water gives you a thirty percent boost in your metabolism. Cold water in your system makes your body burn even more calories because your body needs to spend more calories to reheat your system. Eat spicy foods Another great way to lose weight while you are sleeping is to eat spicy foods during the day. Peppers like jalapenos and chilies will raise your metabolism because they contain an ingredient called Capsaicin. If your metabolism is high, you burn more calories at rest and during activity. Turn off all bedroom electronics A study conducted in Northwestern University found that nighttime exposure to blue light, which is emitted by tablets, smartphones, and LEDs, disrupts the production of the sleep hormone called Melatonin. This slows down your metabolism, which could result in weight gain. Plus, when you don’t sleep enough, your hormonal levels get really messed up, and your body starts making much more hunger hormones. Optimize your Thyroid Your Thyroid is a small gland located in the front of your neck, and it s responsible for your metabolism. It sends out hormones that control how efficiently your body burns off the calories you eat. If you have certain vitamin or mineral deficiencies, your Thyroid may not be operating at maximum capacity. So optimize your Thyroid function by eating foods that are rich in iodine, zinc, and selenium. These kinds of foods include shellfish, sea-weed, Brazil nuts, meat, and sea salt. Cut back on the wine Our body burns the most calories during the REM stage of sleep, which is when most of our dreaming occurs. If you drink too much alcohol close to the bedtime, your body will focus on metabolizing the alcohol and prevent you from spending as much time in the REM state. This prevents your body from losing weight. Switch your cooking oil Another way to lose weight is to change your cooking oil. Coconut oil and palm kernel oil are much better options if you want to lose weight in your sleep. Studies have shown that people who have 2 tablespoons of coconut oil at breakfast are less hungry by lunchtime, and they have a decreased appetite in the evening. Eat some sweets with breakfast Our metabolism is highest in the morning and keeps dropping throughout the day. So, it is a good idea to eat more calories in the morning when it has a higher chance of being burnt. Eat protein Your body burns more calories to process protein than it does when digesting fats and carbohydrates. For example, if you eat 200 grams of skinless and boneless chicken breast, your body burns 99 calories to digest it. According to a Florida State University study, people who consumed an evening snack that included 30 grams of protein had a higher resting metabolic rate the next morning than those who ate nothing. Season with apple cider vinegar Research has shown that people who included apple cider vinegar in their diet, ate roughly 200 fewer calories every day. This is because apple cider suppresses the part of the brain that governs appetite. Take cold showers. According to a study conducted by the National Institute of Health, showers below 70 degrees increases metabolism by 93%. Exposure to cold stimulates brown fat, and forces the body to convert a percentage of white fat to brown fat. Brown fat is the so-called good fat that burns calories and produces heat. Sleep in complete darkness Interestingly enough, studies have shown that indoor lights, and even dim light, can delay Melatonin production. When that happens, you might also be losing out on the production of calorie-burning brown fat, according to a study published in the Journal of Pineal Research.

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