Would You EAT MY PETS?!? | ABSURD Viewer Questions & Answers | The Wooded Beardsman
Let me know if you would like me to do this again, maybe not with the silliest of questions, but maybe the most interesting or inspiring! Even though I do read and reply to almost everyone s comments, I doubt everyone reads everyone else s! There may come a time when I can t keep up so it would be nice to be able to hit on them in a "quick video." I m sure I can shorten these up! If you want to skip questions, see timeline below. As always YT tracks everything from comments, likes/dislikes "engagement", shares, total watch time, and so on...this helps rank a video, and helps YouTube decide if it should share the video more widely to other viewers and boost the channel. I filmed this on a break from doing a bone marrow experiment which will be featured in an upcoming video! Special thanks to the owners of the puggle for lending her to me! She is safe and sound back in her home. Questions and Answers - The Channel s Most Popular and Most Absurd Viewer Questions 1. Why do you kill a bear? Is it okay to kill bear? Can you eat bear? It s kind of disturbing. 1:10 2. Why do you kill cute animals? I feel bad for the rabbit/hare. Why not eat just tame animals? 3:40 3. Why wasn t the porcupine gutted before you singed all the hair? I am thinking that heat we ll make something on his insides explode such as bladder and I m guessing that if that happens it would ruin the meat. You wasted a whole porcupine. 4:56 4. Why do you always make stew? Why soup everything ? Lmfao why do you boil everything? marinade 24h It looks awful haha i would grill it over a fire after. I ve noticed that you guys boil most of your small game. Wondering why you don t cook on a skillet? That rabbit would taste even better pan seared. Is it more nutritional to boil? 6:57 6. On killing the fish...you wouldn t like to feel a knife stuck into your brain either. Rainbow farmer here, wasting your time dispatching that fish they don t have the nervous system to feel pain. Better to keep it alive fresher. 8:47 7. Why do you eat weird things? No please no eat the stomach that was terrible to watch. That rabbit stomach was gnarly, eating poop and vomit. 11:36 8. Why don t you just eat domestic animals? Cows, pigs are raised to be eaten. So you have the opportunity to buy it and eat it. So why did you take that racoon life for? For fun? Just because you were a little bit hungry? Couldn t you walk to your car for 5 minutes and go to a butcher? As long as you were not starving you have no rights to kill an animal. I m pretty sure you wont understand this you entire life looks like you don t have any mercy for no one...13:53 10. Would you eat a cat or dog? I couldn t trust you around my cat or dog. 19:40 11. How do you know roadkill is safe to eat? How did you know the bear was still good to eat. 22:33 12. Why do you kill everything? You don t need so much food... karma is coming for take a lot of u need. You can take what you need and not more. I understand but why you catch fish if you have bear meat? Guys you are missing a key point of being hunter gatherers. Only take what you need, you don t need to kill everything. 24:26 13. You are everything I ever want to be, this is a lifestyle I would love to have. How can I become you? 26:19 14. What is the beaver taste like Mr. Wooded Beardsman? 28:29 15. Are your brothers or friends (referring to Jeremy and me)? Are you gay? 29:07 16. Final note on leaving comments, and YT censorship on profanity. 31:03 Merch (t-shirts): https://teespring.com/stores/the-wooded-beardsman