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"Hypocrisy On An Epic Level!" | Kevin O’Sullivan Slams Labour Over Migrant Barge U-Turn

12,078 Views· 06/03/24
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Barges would be used by a Labour government to house asylum seekers for a “very short” period while the cases backlog is tackled, the shadow immigration minister has said. Stephen Kinnock said former military bases would also continue to be used for a period of possibly around six months during work to bring down claims delays from a record high. Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper has previously indicated she would not be able to immediately shut down the sites but declined to be explicit about the policy. TalkTV’s Kevin O’Sullivan hits out at the Labour party policy U-turn with Tory MP Jonathan Gullis. Kevin: “That is hypocrisy on an epic level.” Conservative MP Jonathan Gullis says: "We can clearly send a very firm signal: if you come here illegally you will not be in a five-star hotel... you will be sent somewhere else because ultimately you came here illegally." #talkradio #talktv #migration

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