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7,697 Views 5 days ago

Improving your flexibility requires more than just stretching tight muscles. In this video I'll explain the role of the nervous system and 3 ways to improve your flexibility quickly. 25 - 30 Min a Day FREE Yoga Challenge to Improve Strength & Flexibility. Join Here 馃憞 1. Sign Up:

10,994 Views 5 days ago

The breath is our tool to influence the autonomic nervous system. How we breathe directly affects the nervous system, the organs, and the muscles in the body. The breath should be the first thing anyone looks at to improve mobility, range of motion, and overall movement quality. Addressing the way we breathe can influence and help the body to heal from many disorders and diseases when practiced regularly and with proper guidance.

41,865 Views 5 days ago

Sign up馃憞 A power morning yoga flow routine with a dynamic warm-up to help to build heat for a sweaty full body practice. This energizing class will help you stay dedicated to your practice each morning, with functional movement patterns and deep stretches for total body strength and flexibility. Sign up for the Free Morning Yoga Challenge馃憞 1. Sign up here: 2. Subscribe and Turn on the Notification Bell: Connect with me on Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga #morningflow #morningyoga #fullbodyflow

25,433 Views 5 days ago

What led me to become a teacher and why I wanted to create this new morning yoga challenge. If you'd like to join in I need you to do a couple things: 1. Sign up here: 2. Subscribe and Turn on the Notification Bell: Connect with me on Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga #morningflow #morningyoga #morningyogachallenge

11,379 Views 5 days ago

For your yoga class today, you can repeat yesterday's after this class, or practice any previous classes. It would have made better sense for me to post this 'yoga for wrists'聽class before yesterday's, but I wanted you to have a general wrist warm up and mobility class for when you are going to be practicing more demanding classes for the wrists. This is a great warm up for practicing arm balances, handstands, or if you tend to get sore wrists from yoga in general. Just like the back care and knee classes, I wanted everyone to have this class in their tool belt because wrist mobility becomes key as the demand on the upper body and wrists increases in more advanced classes.

44,167 Views 5 days ago

A 25-minute full-body workout flow, with a sweaty dynamic and energizing warm-up, focused on opening up and strengthening the side body. This energizing fluid flow class will help you to develop a morning routine with a regular yoga practice, with functional movement patterns and deep stretches for total body strength and flexibility. Subscribe: Connect with me on Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga I hope you dig it, and if you do please let me know in the comments section so I can make more videos like this for you 馃憤 #morningflow #morningyoga #fullbodyflow

28,008 Views 5 days ago

A strong and dynamic yoga practice. "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving..." MLK When we practice yoga, we should aim to restore movement of any area of the body that has lost its full range of motion. If a certain pose irritates a part of the body, we should modify the pose so that it doesn't cause pain,聽and say to ourselves, "It's not that I'll never be able to do this, but just maybe not today".聽 And don't give up or lose faith if it doesn't come in a day or a week, or a month. But keep moving, and you'll be amazed at how resilient the body can be. For example Some have expressed that a deep squat is too much, or the kneeling position bothers knees etc... In the method of yoga I studied, we would suggest using a prop to elevate the body聽into a position that feels more聽comfortable, and over time, gradually, week by week, slowly lowering the prop and聽moving toward the full pose.

39,043 Views 5 days ago

A morning yoga workout flow routine with a dynamic and energizing warm-up to help to build heat for a sweaty full-body practice. This energizing class will help you stay dedicated to your practice each morning, with functional movement patterns and deep stretches for total body strength and flexibility. Sign up for the Free Morning Yoga Challenge馃憞 1. Sign up here: 2. Subscribe and Turn on the Notification Bell: Connect with me on Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga #morningflow #morningyoga #fullbodyflow

47,322 Views 5 days ago

A power vinyasa flow yoga class designed to help you stretch, breathe deep, tone, and strengthen while focusing on the abs, hips, and glutes to make this an energizing and dynamic full body workout. This at home morning yoga practice is a sequence that's designed to help you warm up the joints necessary for the poses to get maximum benefit. The breath is taken into consideration to illicit a meditative quality, along with breathing patterns to help to train the muscles of the diaphragm to become strong and healthy, while keeping the nervous system calm to train nerve elasticity. This aids in help us to move further into the stretches and opening up the tight muscles, while holding the strengthening poses for extra time to build muscle in the commonly weak areas. I filmed this class up on my roof in Southern California on an overcast morning. The vibe feels right for some zen like yoga. I hope you dig it, and if you do let me know in the comments section below. Also, please take a moment to Subscribe to my Channel as it really helps me out and you'll receive free Yoga Videos Weekly. Click here: Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga #poweryoga #yogaforstrength #yogaforweightloss

40,024 Views 5 days ago

This morning yoga flow heats up with a steady paced flow to get you sweaty and then slows down to hold the poses to help build strength and flexibility. This 30 minute strong workout class has a good pace to help promote cardio health and weight loss. It's designed to help you burn more calories. This 30 min. flow can be done any time of day, but many prefer mornings. The aim is to build your cardiovascular health in a balanced way instead of with HIIT. Yoga is focused on balance, and the HIIT method can be very extreme for the nervous system, leading to an overload in stress which can actually cause the body to store fat. By slowly building your cardio health with this class you'll be able to do more, longer, stronger, safer and healthier. The crash and burn HIIT method is less sustainable. If you enjoy my classes you can find hundreds more like it by joining the Conscious Movement Community. In addition to weekly exclusive videos, and all of my youtube content ad - free, The CMC is a course to help you progress in your yoga practice. Join the community here : I hope you dig it, and if you do please let me know in the comments section so I can make more videos like this for you. Also, please take a moment to Subscribe to my Channel as it really helps me out and you'll receive free Yoga Videos Weekly. Click here: Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga #yogawithtim #morningyogaflow #yogaworkout

36,202 Views 5 days ago

A power yoga flow class designed to help you stretch, breathe deep, tone, and strengthen while focusing on the abs, hips, and glutes to make this an energizing and dynamic vinyasa full body workout. This at home morning yoga practice is a sequence that's designed to help you warm up the joints necessary for the poses to get maximum benefit, while reducing the risk of injury or strain to the joints. The Flow is based on a blend of the Ashtanga and Iyengar yoga schools, along with principles form power yoga, and Vinyasa. This class was filmed at Luna De Sol , a Yoga studio in Northern Baja with a small class of local students: If you enjoy my classes you can find hundreds more by joining my Conscious Movement Community. In addition to getting access to longer/stronger weekly exclusive videos, all of my workshops/ courses, an 90 video 5 part course to help you advance from wherever you are in your practice, you'll also get all of my youtube content ad - free. The CMC is a course is the best online course to help you advance and deepen your yoga practice. Join the community here : I hope you enjoy it, and if you do let me know in the comments section below. Also, please take a moment to Subscribe to my Channel as it really helps me out and you'll receive free Yoga Videos Weekly. Click here: Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga #poweryoga #yogaforstrength #yogaforflexibility

42,821 Views 5 days ago

A full body vinyasa yoga workout flow to start your morning. This class is a strong, deep, and challenging, but balanced with deep stretching at the end to help calm and ground you in the practice. This class works up to some backbends, make sure to take it at your own pace and level. Do what works and leave the rest behind. Let me know how it goes in the comment section below. Also, please take a moment to Subscribe to my Channel as it really helps me out and you'll receive free Yoga Videos Weekly. Click here: Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga #vinyasayoga #yogaworkout #strengthandflexibility MB019QZNHE7IISQ

9,904 Views 5 days ago

Yoga can be tough on the wrists. These exercises will help you to develop wrist strength and mobility to help the wrists heal. Remember, if the wrists are already aggravated, give them a day or two of rest, then try these exercises before each class. Make sure to modify the practice until it feels like you can do the poses on your hands without any pain. Pain = no gain. Subscribe here: Thanks for being a subscriber. Connect with me on Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga I hope you dig it, and if you do please let me know in the comments section so I can make more videos like this for you. #yogaforwrists #wristmobiltiy #wristpain

13,995 Views 5 days ago

A great tool to help to relieve full body tension in the legs, hips, upper back, neck and shoulders. This can be used right before you practice yoga to help to increase range of motion. Try this simple technique and I guarantee you'll have greater range of motion and your hips, and shoulders will feel more open. Let me know how it goes in the comment section below. Also, please take a moment to Subscribe to my Channel as it really helps me out and you'll receive free Yoga Videos Weekly. Click here: Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga #relievetension #foamrolling #yogawithtim MB01QUAAJG5ERFT

31,495 Views 5 days ago

A morning yoga flow with a dynamic warm-up to help to build heat for a sweaty full body practice. This energizing class will help you stay dedicated to your practice each morning, with functional movement patterns and deep stretches for total body strength and flexibility. Subscribe to my Channel: Subscribing really helps me out and you'll receive free Yoga Videos Weekly. Thanks for being a subscriber. Connect with me on Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga I hope you dig it, and if you do please let me know in the comments section so I can make more videos like this for you. #morningflow #morningyoga #fullbodyflow

47,317 Views 5 days ago

This full-body energizing, strong, and balanced morning flow is a great way to start your day. This yoga practice can be done in the morning or any time of day you feel works best for you. Subscribe to my Channel: Subscribing really helps me out and you'll receive free Yoga Videos Weekly. Thanks for being a subscriber. Connect with me on Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga I hope you dig it, and if you do please let me know in the comments section so I can make more videos like this for you. #morningflow #morningyoga #fullbodyflow

48,647 Views 5 days ago

Try the 50 min version here: Amber demonstrates today in this 30 min. full body yoga workout. This sweaty vinyasa flow class is a great workout, and you know its gonna be strong, because I leave all the harder classes for Stacy and Amber 馃槣 I hope you dig this practice I hope you dig it. If you do let me know in the comments section so I can make some more like this. Also, will you please take a moment to Subscribe to my Channel as it really helps me out and you'll receive free Yoga Videos Weekly. Click here: Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga

30,176 Views 5 days ago

A 30-Minute full body morning yoga flow workout class for strength and flexibility. A well-rounded class focused on developing upper body and core strength, spinal mobility, and total body flexibility. Click here to JOIN the CMC and start my course to help you deepen and advance your practice from any level: Check out my Free Morning Yoga Challenge馃憞 1. Sign up here: 2. Subscribe and Turn on the Notification Bell: Connect with me on Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga #yogawithtim #fullbodyflow #yogaworkout

36,165 Views 5 days ago

A more traditional new 30-Minute Full Body Yoga Flow Workout, for strength and flexibility, with sun salutations and a more classic standing pose practice. Click here to JOIN the CMC and start my course to help you deepen and advance your practice from any level: Check out my Free Morning Yoga Challenge馃憞 1. Sign up here: 2. Subscribe and Turn on the Notification Bell: Connect with me on Instagram: @TimSenesiYoga Facebook: Tim Senesi Yoga #yogawithtim #fullbodyflow #yogaworkout -- DISCLAIMER: Please consult your doctor or health care professional before starting this workout. You should stop immediately if you experience pain or discomfort at any time during this workout. By performing these exercises, you do so at your own risk. By using this video, you understand and agree that Tim Senesi Yoga LLC. will not be held responsible or liable for any injury or loss you may suffer as a result of this workout video.

540 Views 5 months ago

A gentle stretch routine that you can practice before bed to release tension and stress for deep sleep.

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