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Surfing the "Far North Shore" of Alaska

5,270 Views· 05/26/24
Teton Gravity Research
Teton Gravity Research
2,132 Subscribers

If you’re willing to brave the cold water, Yakutat, Alaska is one of the most one-of-a-kind surfing towns out there. That’s what Hana Beaman and Mary Rand learned firsthand on the second leg of their Alaskan adventure. See more at: https://bit.ly/2wP1F2r Follow Hana Beaman: https://.instagram.com/hibeams/ Follow Mary Rand: https://.instagram.com/bigairmare/ Shop the Dream: http://shop.tetongravity.com For more from Teton Gravity Research, follow us: Instagram: https://instagram.com/tetongravity Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tetongravity... Twitter: https://twitter.com/tetongravity #TGRLiveTheDream

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