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“Stand Up To It Folks!” Julia Hartley-Brewer Defends JK Rowling After Oxfam Pride Cartoon

68,207 Views· 05/30/24
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In Funtime

A cartoon depiction of a woman wearing a “terf” badge in a Pride video was not intended to portray Harry Potter author JK Rowling, Oxfam International has said. Oxfam International said “there was no intention by Oxfam or the film-makers for this slide to have portrayed any particular person or people”. TalkTV’s Julia Hartley-Brewer defended JK Rowling and hit out at Oxfam over the cartoon. “What has Pride month got to do with Oxfam? Who is eroding trans rights? On the contrary there has been an expansion and they are stealing women’s rights away!” “Stand up to it folks!” #talktv #talkradio #jkrowling #gender #oxfam

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