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Just Stop Oil Are "A Bunch Of Massive Attention Seekers"

751 Views· 06/03/24
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Activist group Just Stop Oil has announced plans to disrupt Premier League games every weekend of the upcoming season. Their goal is to slow march in front of fan traffic, invade pitches, and even glue themselves to goalposts. However, their actions have sparked controversy and outrage, with many calling for their arrest and condemning their disruptive tactics. Even Labour Party members, including Keir Starmer, have expressed their disapproval of Just Stop Oil's message. The police chief has suggested that these activists should be locked up without bail, citing public frustration with their antics. This new co-group, known for their stunts that disrupted events like the Ashes and the Snooker World Championship, has faced widespread criticism for their disruptive behaviour. However, some argue that their actions only serve to draw attention to themselves rather than addressing the issue of climate change and finding sustainable energy solutions. Many football fans are particularly angered by Just Stop Oil's plans to disrupt their beloved sport. One fan expressed their frustration, stating that if these activists dare to disrupt their enjoyment of the game, they will face severe consequences. The fan also mentioned a recent incident where a motorist attacked an activist in the street, highlighting the potential dangers these disruptions may bring. #juststopoil #premierleague

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