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Clean Eating Turkey + Pumpkin Chili

741 Views· 10/28/14
Clean & Delicious
Clean & Delicious
1,263 Subscribers
In Food

Clean Eating Turkey + Pumpkin is a protein-packed meal perfect for a chilly fall day. I love making this for dinner and eating the leftovers for lunch throughout the week. Subscribe for free! (and get notified every time I share a new recipe): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj0V... ----------------------------------- Want to print the written recipe for this video? http://cleananddelicious.com/2014/10/28/clean-eating-turkey-pumpkin-chili-video/ OTHER PLACES YOU CAN FIND ME: Follow me on Instagram http://instagram.com/dani_spies Let s be friends on FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/CleanAndDeli... Let s tweet on Twitter! https://twitter.com/DaniSpies Check me out on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/danispies/ Let s join circles on GOOGLE+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/114338114... --------------------------------- Click here to print the written recipe: http://cleananddelicious.com/2014/10/28/clean-eating-turkey-pumpkin-chili-video/ -------------------------------- And don t forget to share this deliciousness with your friends & family! xo

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