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Training a Scarlet Macaw To Be Less Nippy | THE BIRDIE BUBBLE

2,846 Views· 01/11/24
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In Pet

A huge thank you goes out to Shane, and his daughter MacKenna along with their scarlet macaw Mia for allowing us to film them and share their experience in our masterclass! Also a big thanks to Ronie s For the Love of Birds for hosting our masterclass at their shop. Don t forget to support your local bird rescue; https://roniesloveofbirds.com/shop This video goes over a lot of things but also touches again on the BIRDIE BUBBLE. The birdie bubble is the bubble in which you are choosing to engage with your bird, and to which you have its focused attention. And when you step outside of that bubble you re communicating disengagement. Many people stay in the bubble and engage with other people or things which leads to frustrating the bird. Here s another video that goes over this as well; https://youtu.be/Fsf-QGn3TE4 Energy training; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23ZpNPaoo8M&t=2s Biggest takeaway tip: Record your training sessions! In SLOW MO! Some resources that go along with this video are: ▶ The 60-40 Rule: https://birdtricksstore.com/blogs/parrot-care-blog/the-60-40-rule ▶ The Family Friendly Parrot Formula: http://familyfriendlyparrot.com/purchase ▶ The Step Up vs Step Back: https://birdtricksstore.com/blogs/parrot-care-blog/the-step-back-vs-the-step-up ▶ More on PERMISSION BASED TRAINING: https://birdtricksstore.com/

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