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GP Dr Renee Hoenderkamp: NHS will introduce vaccine mandate by the back door

60,780 Views· 05/30/24
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NHS GP Dr Renee Hoenderkamp believes the NHS is going to introduce the vaccine mandate "by the back door." "It's against all medical ethics as we know them." The government said it was seeking to “revoke” its mandatory Covid-19 vaccination requirements for health and care staff in England, it has been confirmed. Health and social care secretary Sajid Javid told the House of Commons this evening that he believes it is “no longer proportionate” to require vaccination against Covid-19 as a condition of deployment for health and care workers. #reneehoenderkamp #kevinosullivan #sajidjavid #nhs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.nhsvaccinefacts.com/information https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019

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