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The Joy and Pain of Winter Camping with the Roadless Crew

6,850 Views· 05/25/24
Teton Gravity Research
Teton Gravity Research
2,132 Subscribers

​Winter camping is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it's hard to beat the convenience of waking up right below the slope you're going to ride. But on the other hand, it doesn't matter how close you are if your boots are frozen solid and your buddy refuses to get out of his/her sleeping bag. It becomes even more complicated when you bring week's worth of food and camera gear into the equation. In essence, winter camping offers serious advantages, but only if you're fully prepared to take advantage of them. Trailer and tour dates for Roadless: http://www.tetongravity.com/roadless Shop the Dream: http://shop.tetongravity.com For more from Teton Gravity Research, follow us: Instagram: https://instagram.com/tetongravity Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tetongravityresearch Twitter: https://twitter.com/tetongravity #TGRLiveTheDream

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